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twoday logo-animation

The twoday logo-animation can be used as intro to videos, in ads etc. If you need help using or editing the file, please contact

A few comments to the file and the 5 different compositions:

  1. twoday-1920x1080-logoanimation-wipe-logo-black
    In this composition, you'll find the full animation in 1920x1080.
    Firstly, the 5. elements are shown and subsequently an animation with the black twoday logo. This composition consists of a reference to: "twoday-shapes" og "twoday-logo-black".  It means that you can not edit the animation in this composition. This should be done in each individual composition. See item 3, 4 og 5 below. 
    This composition has a transparent background. If you wish to add background color or
    place a video or image below, it can be done by placing the element lowest in the layering.

  2. twoday-1920x1080-logoanimation-wipe-logo-white
    Same composition as above - but with white logo instead of black.

  3. twoday-logo-black
    Here you'll find the editable version of the logo-animation in black.
    If you make adjustments here, it will automatically be updated in the "twoday-1920x1080-logoanimation-wipe-logo-black" composition.

  4. twoday-logo-white
    Same composition as above - but with white logo instead of black. 
    If you make adjustments here, it will automatically be updated in the "twoday-1920x1080-logoanimation-wipe-logo-white" composition.

  5. twoday-shapes
    Editable 5. elements. If you make adjustments here, it will automatically be updated both in "twoday-1920x1080-logoanimation-wipe-logo-white" and "twoday-1920x1080-logoanimation-wipe-logo-black" because twoday shapes are connected to both compositions.

Download twoday logo-animation

twoday endorsed brand logo-animation

The twoday endorsed brand logo-animation can be used as intros to videos, in ads etc.

If you need help to an endorsed brand logo-animation, please contact for further information.