On the following pages, you will find information on how to use our logo, including the logomark and wordmark. Have fun.
twoday is always in lower-case
How do you spell our brand name? twoday
What if it’s the beginning of a sentence? twoday
So always in lower-case? correct.
You should always spell our brand name, twoday, in small letters. No capital letters. No italic t. This is important to remember especially when you are beginning a sentence with twoday.
The wordmark
The wordmark is our main logotype. Use the black logo on light backgrounds, the white (negative) on dark backgrounds. Only use the wordmark in black or white, never in colors.
Wondering which colors to use? Go to the page Colors to find colorful information.
The logomark
Use the logomark when the name twoday is already visible, such as “profile” images on light and dark backgrounds on social media. Only use the logomark in black or white, never in colors.
To ensure readability, you should always follow the guidelines according to logo size.
There are individual rules for digital platforms and print.
Minimum width: 40 px
Minimum width: 15 mm
Safe area
Safe area wordmark
The wordmark has a surrounding safety area of the height of the logomark and the width of two logomarks*.
The rule does not apply when it comes to the placement of the 5th element . In cases where the 5th element is placed behind the logo, recommendations on safety distances can be ignored.

Safe area logomark
The logomark has a surrounding safety area of the height of the logomark and the width of two logomarks.
Safe area logomark on social media
The width of the safe area defines the height of the black background.
Logo on backgrounds
Black logo
Consistency is key when using our logo. This especially applies for the background colors used.
You should use the black logo on primary brand colors as well as light grey. Below, you can take a look at how it works.
Use the white logo on secondary and dark colors. Contrary to the black logo, the white logo should not be used on all variants of tint. To be specific, all tints below 40% must have a black logo to ensure the best possible readability.
No rules without exception / special cases
The main rules are important to follow. However, no rules without exception and in special cases it is possible to invert the logo or text on a colored background or on the 5th element.
Please note that this only applies to the following content:
- The logo
- A large and short heading
- A very short amount of text
The following examples show some of the exceptions
Place the black logo on green background.

Place the white logo on green background.
Place black text on blue background.

Place logo and heading in white on blue background.
Place black text on light orange background.

Place heading white on light orange background.
Place black text on dark orange background.

Place heading in white on dark orange background.
Dos and don'ts
The following examples show what to do and what not to do. These examples apply across our entire suite of logos.
Place the white logo on a main brand color.
Use the black logo on light brand colors.

Place the white logo on a dark gradient.

Place the white logo on a dark image.
Do not add taglines or other texts within the logo safe area.
Recreate the logo.
Distort or warp the logo in any way.
Place the black logo on a noisy background.
Always make sure the logo is readable.

Place the black logo on pictures with low luminance. Always make sure the logo is readable.

Place the black logo on a dark gradient. Always make sure the logo is readable.
Outline the logo.